Sunday, 11 November 2012

Another Test (Take 2)

I have carried out the same test as before, but this time with a higher particle count. This was done by using a higher poly sphere. I decided to do this because after meshing the first one, I noticed that the mesh turned out a bit too blobby, which I didn’t feel looked good enough. Another thing I noticed was how the particles were being meshed. When I meshed the particles created by using the “Fill Object” command, it meshed around the particles. When I meshed the particles created at each vertex of the polygon sphere however, it not only meshed around the outside of the particles but also on the inside as well. This could pose a potential problem in terms of shading the bubbles. The reason being because of the fact that bubbles are of course transparent, which means that the inner mesh would be visible when rendered.

I also meshed the second attempt and I’m more pleased with the results of this one. However, I still need to play around with the output mesh attributes in Maya a little bit more.

Maya Bubble High Particle Count from Mickey Bowen on Vimeo.

Maya Bubble High Particle Count Meshed from Mickey Bowen on Vimeo.

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