Sunday, 20 January 2013

Testing Secondary Effects

In studying how soap bubbles burst, I discovered that when it happens the bubble breaks into much smaller molecules. I have done a test in Maya to see if I could recreate this phenomenon. I did this using the black and white gradient from the previous tests as an nParticle emission map with the paricles emitting from the dark areas of the gradient. This would make it look as if the particles are being emitted as the bubble is bursting. The results of this test can be seen in the video below.

Maya Bubble Burst Secondary Particles Test from Mickey Bowen on Vimeo.

The idea for this test came from a video by Youtube user "Joseph Sohby". However, the video he made is not in English but I just watched what he did and tried it out myself. He also used particles to drive a lattice deformer on the bubble geometry, which is something I am also planning to try.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

SOUP Dev - Cage Node

I have recently discovered a set of nodes to extend the functionality of Maya called SOUP Dev from One of these nodes which I have become interested in trying out is the Cage node. This node takes two pieces of geometry, one which acts as the clipping boundary and the other which gets clipped. Which ever part of the geometry falls outside of the boundary gets its polygon faces deleted.

I thought this node may come in useful for creating the effect of bubbles bursting, which I intend to test further. But for now, here are some of the examples which the SOUP Dev provide.